Dr. Touhami Abdouli
Member of the 8th Board of Trustees of Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain Prize for Poetic Creativity (2014 - …).
Member of the Tunisian Government, Minister of State for European Affairs (2011 - 2013).
President of the Arab-European Institute for Intercultural Dialogue, University of Rome III, Italy.
Vice President of the Euro-Mediterranean University in Slovenia and Rome, Professor of Civilization at the Faculty of Arts in Sousse, Tunisia, and expert in Higher Education at the European Union (2009 - 2011).
Director of Academic Development at LINK University in Rome (2005 - 2008).
Visiting Professor at Sophia University in Japan and member of the Japanese Organization for Science Development, responsible for Comparative Culture Courses in North Africa and the Arab world, and conducting research on the Arab world (2001 - 2005).
Visiting Professor at the Institute of Muslim Cultures Studies, London (2008).
Since November 2009, founder and director of the "EMIR" Courses on International Euro-Mediterranean Relations.
Since August 2010, lecturer at Aveiro University in Portugal on the Foundations of Dialogue of Civilizations for students from different countries as part of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations program.
Since 2010, Director of the Arab Culture Chair at the University of Nice in France.
Since 2009, member of the Doctoral Committee at the University of Westminster, London.
Since March 2009, Assistant Editor-in-Chief of the Euro-Mediterranean Studies Journal published by the Euro-Mediterranean University in Slovenia.
Since 2005, member of the Doctoral Committee at the Faculty of Arts in Sousse, Tunisia.
Since 1998, member of the research team "One and Multiple Islam."
Since 2001, member of the Japanese Organization for Middle Eastern Studies.
Since 2001, member of the "Islamic Studies" research unit at Sophia University in Japan.
Membership in Cultural Institutions:
Since July 2011, President of the Mediterranean Studies Foundation. Tunisia and Italy.
Since 2009, Representative of the Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain Prize for Poetic Creativity at the European Union.
Since June 2011, advisor to the World Academy of Poetry in Verona, Italy.
July 17, 2011, received the Mediterranean Academic Studies Award.
Prophet Ibrahim in Arab-Islamic Culture, Dar Al-Mada, Damascus 2000.
The Crisis of Religious Knowledge, Dar Al-Balad, Damascus 2005.
Monarchy and Society in Morocco, A reading into the Dialectics of Domination and continuity, AACA & Khatwat, Damascus 2006.
The Islam of the Kurds as a Model for Minority Islam: A Reading of Religious, Tribal, and National Intersections, Dar Al-Tali'a, Beirut, 2007.
An Initial Dialogue between Arab Culture and Japanese Culture, Al-Nahj Magazine, Issue 33, Winter 2003.
Higher Education Internationalization and Quality Assurance in North-South cooperation, IJEMS, Volume 1, No 2, 2008.
From the "Politicized Mediterranean" towards the "Depoliticized Mediterranean": Supplement to the Journal of Mediterranean Studies, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2011.