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The 19th Edition of the Albabtain Foundation Awards for Poetic Creativity, the "Poet Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain Session", Concludes its Literary Sessions

December 17, 2024

Darwish: There is a resemblance between the francophone approach of General de Gaulle and the approach of Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain.

Tenkoul: We have the right to describe Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain as the "Thinking Poet."

Al-Rumaihi: Albabtain's efforts in fostering dialogue with others are worthy of study.

Al-Maliki: The late poet Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain served as a global ambassador for Arab culture and Arabic poetry.


On the final day, two panels were held as part of the series of panels organized by the Foundation in its nineteenth edition, dedicated to honoring the late poet Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain. The first of these panels was the third panel, which featured contributions from Dr. Ahmed Darwish from Egypt, Dr. Abdulrahman Tenkoul from Morocco, and was chaired by Dr. Aaref Al-Saadi from Iraq.

At the outset, Dr. Ahmed Darwish spoke about "Serving the Arabic Language, Activating the Poetic Movement, and Preserving its Heritage within Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain’s Cultural Project," addressing several key issues related to Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain’s cultural project.

Dr. Darwish stated that culture is a civilizational trait not granted to all nations throughout history. Some nations are cultured, while others are not. He highlighted the nature of the cultural project’s founder, who may also be a dedicated creator within their chosen domain.

Dr. Darwish explained the role of temporal dimensions in the maturation of Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain’s cultural project, which was characterised by two key features: clear objectives and flexible execution. The research then examined the cultural benefits offered by Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain’s cultural project, particularly his notable efforts in the process of Arabisation implemented in the Comoros Republic.

Dr. Darwish’s research highlighted the similarities between the Francophone approach proposed by General de Gaulle and the approach adopted by Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain. The research also addressed the concept of Albabtain’s Encyclopaedias, which are considered significant features of Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain’s cultural project.

In the second part of the panel, which examined "Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain's intellectual project in the context of cultural studies and postmodernist discourses," Dr. Abdelrahman Tenkoul discussed the intersections between Albabtain’s intellectual vision and the tenets of cultural studies. Tenkoul highlighted that Albabtain’s close engagement with multiple generations sparked a tremendous capacity within him to absorb new ideas and shape them into frameworks aligned with his beliefs and perspectives. Tenkoul emphasized that poetry represents the highest form of thought—no value exists for thought without imagination, just as no value exists for poetry without reason—thus, it is fitting to describe Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain as a "poet-thinker."

Tenkoul then examined various contemporary views on poetry, which argue that poetic works cannot be seen merely as ordinary poetry; rather, they are foundational discourses of a differing thought. He cited figures such as Hölderlin and Novalis as examples. Tenkoul also highlighted the interconnection between poetry and thought in Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain’s work—his deep introspection of elements such as places, memories, and the winds of longing, as well as his focus on their resonance and impact on the soul and consciousness.

Tenkoul concluded his research by emphasizing the creative interplay between Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain’s poetic and intellectual achievements. He noted that Albabtain’s inclination toward poetry is not arbitrary but rather stems—undoubtedly—from the poet’s upbringing and formative experiences, as well as his commitment to preserving poetry as an ontological necessity. Tenkoul stressed that, for Albabtain, poetry is intrinsically connected to his thought, worldview, and reflections on the present and future of humanity.


Dialogue with the Other and Cultural Investment in the Experience of Abdulaziz Albabtain

The fourth and final session of the series focused on the topic "Dialogue with the Other in Abdulaziz Albabtain's Cultural Project." In this session, Dr. Muhammed Al-Rumaihi from Kuwait reflected on Abdulaziz Albabtain's multifaceted personality and interests, emphasizing his significant contributions to his homeland, region, Arab identity, and Islam—contributions that no one can overlook or diminish.

Al-Rumaihi noted that the late Abdulaziz Albabtain, on a personal level, was a modest man who did not seek praise for himself, humble without pretense, generous without show, and connected with people without discrimination. He loved his homeland without pride, worked for the good of others without expectation of reward, was self-reliant without pretension, and held a deep affection for his Arab and Islamic identity without fanaticism. He maintained numerous relationships and connections with statesmen across the Arab, regional, and international levels.

Al-Rumaihi emphasized that Abdulaziz Albabtain’s efforts in fostering dialogue with others are efforts that deserve to be studied and examined.


Dr. Mona Al-Maliki from Saudi Arabia then discussed "Cultural Investment in the Experience of Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain".

Dr. Al-Maliki reviewed the key features of cultural investment in the life of the late poet Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain, including the establishment of the Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain Cultural Foundation, which was created to support Arab culture in general and Arabic poetry in particular, by honoring and encouraging prominent poets and critics through the Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain Prize for Poetic Creativity, thus motivating them to continue their literary endeavors.

Dr. Al-Maliki highlighted Abdulaziz Albabtain’s investment in cultural education through scholarships and academic grants. Additionally, key aspects of his cultural investment include the Albabtain Central Library for Arabic Poetry, the Albabtain Translation Center, and initiatives promoting cultural and civilizational dialogue.

Dr. Al-Maliki shed light on Albabtain’s cultural investment in preserving Arab heritage, focusing on its artistic, cultural, and intellectual values. She emphasized his commitment to reviving these heritage values through his Foundation and initiatives.

Dr. Mona Al-Maliki added, "For Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain, poetry played a pivotal role in his life. It was not merely a hobby, but an essential part of his cultural and intellectual identity. Through poetry, Albabtain found a means to express his concerns, ultimately positioning himself—as rightly stated—as a cultural ambassador and defender of Arab culture and poetry on an international level. Thus, we can affirm that Albabtain’s cultural investment aimed at fostering peace among the world’s peoples." The session was chaired by Dr. Lana Mamkegh from Jordan.

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