Dr. Muhammad Zaki Al-Ashmawi
Muhammad Zaki Al-Ashmawi (1921-2005) is considered one of the most prominent figures in contemporary Arab literary criticism in Egypt and beyond. The reason for his esteemed position lies in his rich artistic sensitivity, great creative talent, and extensive scholarly abilities.
He graduated from the Faculty of Arts at Alexandria University (1945) and obtained a Master's degree in Arabic Literature (1951). He then his Ph.D. in Literary Criticism from the University of London (1954).
He progressed through various teaching positions at Alexandria University, starting as a teaching assistant (1946) and eventually reaching the rank of professor (1968).
He was elected as the dean of the Faculty of Arts (1974-1976), appointed as the vice president of the university (1976-1979), and served as the dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Beirut (1979-1981). He also worked as a full-time professor at Alexandria University (1981-2005).
He served as a member of the Supreme Council of Culture in Egypt (1976-1998) and as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain Prize for Poetic Creativity (1991-1994).
He supervised numerous master's and doctoral theses at Egyptian and Arab universities.
He received several cultural and scientific awards, including:
The Scientific Appreciation Award and its Gold Medal from Alexandria University (1979).
The Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences Award (1983).
The Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain Award in Literary Criticism (1990).
The State Appreciation Award in Egypt (1992).